Laziness Ensues

Hi Y’all.

It has been a while since I last blogged. And no, I do not have any serious reason as to why I have been M.I.A.. Simply, I have been a bit lazy.

It all starts with one decision. This tends to occur either after work during the weekday or on a beautiful weekend morning, with me standing in the living room asking myself: should I turn on the tv?
If it’s a yes, then fuhgetaboutit. I blindly fall into television’s grasp. If it’s a no, I go on to other things, such as working on a DIY project, baking or blogging. In retrospect, it’s all about making one bad decision. Do not make bad decisions, people.

So…here we are.
I do not have anything new or profound to share with you…I will here in about the next week or so. But I do have some beautiful photos to share with you. My boyfriend and I decided to head to Cody, WY about two hours away for a random weekend trip, to get away from the grind of everyday life. I found a gorgeous renovated hotel right in the heart of downtown Cody, the Chamberlin Inn. The building was originally constructed in the early 1900’s as a boarding house and grew into a larger hotel years down the road. After several owners, the hotel fell into disrepair and in 2005 the new owners completely restored the building, keeping as much originality as possible.

One of the other reasons I so wanted to stay at the Chamberlin Inn, is because the most recent renovation uncovered that in the 1930’s Ernest Hemingway was a guest! I would have loved to stay in the Hemingway suite, but that was a little above our price range.

Here are some photos I snapped during our stay:

Besides the gorgeous painted tile murals, I think my favorite part was the bathroom. Yes, I took a bath in the original tub-it was awesome. The subway tiles and original light fixtures were absolutely beautiful.

For more information and photos, you can visit the Chamberlin Inn’s website here.

Thanks for stopping by!



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