Book Page Wreath

Hello friends. Yes, I know. I am the worst—it has been over a month since my last post! But, please don’t hate…because I have something awesome to show you!


This was such a fun, inexpensive and super easy wreath to make!
The worst part of this project was when I continuously burnt the crap out of my fingers had to rip up two books in order to make this. Honestly, as an English Lit Major, this was a very difficult process for me. Librarians—avert your eyes.

Here is what you will need:

Only three items! See? Told you it was easy. I am not a woman who lies.

I used an 18-inch wreath that I purchased from Hobby Lobby for $7.99; the rest of the items I already had on hand.

Here is the book I used:

Just kidding guys! Thought that would be funny. Did anyone faint? If so, I do apologize.

I used two books that I had on hand: one, was an old French book that had these beautiful stained edges. I have no idea where this book came from, nor am I sure as to why on earth I kept it as I cannot read French very well at all (even after four years of classes). But, I digress.

The other book I used was a newer copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray. In order to combat its newness, and since I wanted my wreath to look weathered, I took some brown acrylic paint to the edges and let it dry.

Once you reach this point, take your books and let ’em rip!

I started out making spiral-like shapes that had more continuity, like so…

…however I thought a more abstract and messy wreath would look much cooler. So, I started with the edge of a page, dabbed some glue then pressed it down to a random space on the same page. Repeat.

I then folded the pieces in half and started gluing them to the wreath form. Once the wreath was completely covered, there were still some spaces to fill in. This is easily done by gluing a new page to an existing one.

Oh. And Louie had to say hi.

Keep adding pages and filling in your spaces until you end up with something like this

This would be an adorable decorative addition to a home library. But any space works.

I will be honest; I was terrified to start this project. I thought the pages had to be perfect and that I would completely mess it up, but what I found out….is that you can’t! This is a great project because all of the pages can look completely different. So, if you are thinking of attempting this wreath, GO FOR IT!

Thanks for stopping by and happy crafting!

Linking To:


The Shabby Nest

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Home Stories A2Z


  1. This is really the fourth blog, of urs I actually read through.
    Still I actually love this particular one,
    “Book Page Wreath –” the very best. Regards ,Dani

  2. Reblogged this on booksfromthelaundryroom and commented:
    The perfect crafting project for when you don’t really want your books anymore, but aren’t ready to throw them out…just in time for summer…:)

  3. Courtney Leigh says:

    What an awesome wreath! I adore it as I am always looking for new wreath ideas and I love to read.

    Courtney @

  4. fittingkeys says:

    I think the book wreath looks really really nice! Great job!

  5. That’s gorgeous! Am on a mission now to find old books just to give it a go! x

  6. Beautiful project tutorial and adorable kittycat! Great post…

  7. Really a sweet project…kids could have fun with this, too! I’m thinking about grandchildren. Wreaths are so welcoming…no mater what they are made of or where they are placed. Your Book page wreath’s simplicity is it’s beauty..or it’s down and dirty flair!

  8. I like this idea and wouldnt mind tearing up some book 😛
    My wife is going to try it and decorate a round mirror we have at home. Thanks Chrissy

  9. love it

  10. AHAHAH ‘tought you use the Bible pages hahaha but i still pity the books you used:( but you’ve created a lovely wreath 🙂

  11. What a cool idea!!! I LOVEEEEEE It!!!! 🙂

  12. totally awesome indeed. looks great!


  13. This wreath turned out great… love it!

  14. Silver Spring Farm says:

    Can’t do a book killer. Sorry, I just coundn’t ever do it. Books are treasures. Once you kill an old book it’s gone – forever. There are no digital editions or e-books or anything, they are just GONE. As an irreverant note (and doody-stirring suggestion), I would like to point out that there are far more unused and neglected Bibles in the world than anything else. (please don’t burn me at the stake, I’m just having fun here).

    How about an… old photocopy wreath? old cell phone bill wreath? Old tax return wreath?
    …Because it really is cute.

  15. I love this idea. I have a few books that were destroyed during my little monster’s terrible three’s stage that would work great with this. Thanks for sharing!

  16. amazing….love it

  17. Oh wow that looks so lovely! I am definitely going to have to make one of these for my new house! I think I might try making it with sheet music as well.

  18. Haha bible photo! Thanks! Congrats on press 🙂

  19. Oh my goodness! this looks gorgeous and such a great and simple idea!

  20. While I think this is charming to look at, really victorian-ish, I too would be reluctant to destroy a book…it’s such a sacrilege – then I thought about taking truly awful books for the wreath but if someone could make out the title they’d think I always read trash like that haha. White pages of a phone book might work too or yellow if that’s your color. Now I am loking through the library for a broken binded book that already has the pages fallling out. That might make the most sense. I use an e-reader a lot, and when that breaks down for it’s final time, perhaps I could pull it apart and use the pieces to adorn the page wreath,.

  21. This craft took a turn for the better for me when you started gluing the pages randomly. I’m bordering on clinically obsessive so those spirals would have taken me a year to complete. Then some of them wouldn’t have been “perfect” so I would have had to tear them off and then I wouldn’t have liked how the torn parts looked even though they were on the back so I would have had to glue more spirals on top of them and some of those wouldn’t be perfect…you get the picture. Sometimes I wonder why I craft at all. Thanks for posting something even I might finish. Hi Louie.

  22. Dawn Haywood says:

    Yea…the bible part got me too at first, thinking, wow someone actually ripped up their bible for a craft project (love your sense of humor)! You got me!
    Love the wreath…I may have to find a book to rip up.
    I just finished making a wreath out of paper towel rolls and t-shirts. Came out pretty cool.

  23. OMG fabulous. I hear ya sista, my tutors despair of me because I can’t even bring myself to underline in pencil any quotes in my text books! I didn’t faint but I DID laugh, you are wickedly funny, which is a real achievement in a ‘crafty blog’!! You’re new to me via your ‘freshly pressed like vanilla scented laundry’ status so I am not cranky at all that you haven’t posted in a while!! I love this idea for upcycling books and Dorian is highly appropriate to fashion into a new format (even if it IS one of my favourite books in my Extended English Lit Major!) – I’sa gonna follow you (but not in a creepy stalker way) books ahoy matey!!

  24. Oh my! You got my eyes bulge out! Wew! I thought you really used the bible! Haha. That’s a relief!

  25. This is a great project indeed Chrissy. Thanks for sharing your ideas! 🙂 Congrats on making this post to freshly pressed by the way. 🙂

  26. I’ve been in the process of making a book page wreath for months, but I’m doing mine different and it takes a lot of time. I cut out a big circle from a page and then cut it in a spiral shape and then roll it from the outside in, forming a rosette….super cute, but my hands and fingers get tired after awhile. So I just do it every now and then…hopefully I’ll get it done this year…lol

  27. Pretty neat design

  28. chelsealeighbee says:

    OOOOO I CANT WAIT TO TRY!! soo adorable ❤

  29. Delicious. An appropriate book harvesting. I love it when words are freed from the static page. Well done, I think I’ll make one.

  30. Haha, I loved your humor with the Bible 🙂 Great site, and great projects!

    Courtney Hosny

  31. Shari Valentina says:

    That’s an actually nice idea! Cheap, easy, adorable. That’s the first time I step on your blog, I think I’ll come back soon 😉 good work.

    (and.. I definitively love your cat!)

  32. This is awesome! I think I’ll have to have a go myself, maybe a colourful one with magazine pages… I’ll let you know how I get on..

  33. Nice post. Going to repost this idea on my site in my weekly “Head-turning Headlines” section under “Creativity.” Check back on my site to view it later this evening. On, and congrats on being freshly pressed!

  34. Love it! Congrats on FP.

  35. annetteplasencia says:

    petals of a story .. nice

  36. Hi. Sadly, the joke about the Bible was rather poor taste, I think. The Picture of Dorian Gray, however, a great choice. I would gladly tear it up myself. And the idea for the wreath really original.

  37. still laughing for the Bible picture!! 😀 beautiful post!

  38. It is a creative project and I love the humor!

  39. Hi – congrats on being FP! I’ve never read a craft post before. I laughed, I cried (the Bible part). I never would have believed a craft project post could take me there. You’re a gifted writer, as well as being a talented crafter. Take care, and have fun crafting. Cheers!

  40. That’s fabulous! And your post is so much fun to read. Well done on being freshly pressed.

  41. Its beautiful..but I cant really make myself tear up any book…not a single book.

  42. Reblogged this on FARLEYPOP and commented:
    I need to do this, tomorrow. I’d start tonight, but I’m not allowed to hot glue after 11.

  43. Ayu Mustika says:

    Nice blog..firts time to visit this blog…greting from

  44. I love this idea, its very elegant looking especially with the dyed edges of your books!

  45. Wow that is delicious. A worthy re-purposing of a couple of stray books, much prettier than the pulper. I love art made with words and try to find new ways to do stuff with them outside of orthat challenges the linear page.
    Without being a shameless self-promoter I have some word-based art that your readers might appreciate.


  46. Reblogged this on threeredshoes.

  47. I love this post & your blog in general! Louie is quite cute as well:) congratulations on being freshly pressed — very exciting!! xoxo

  48. Tararua District Library says:

    Hi there. As a librarian, can I tell you that is is a WONDERFUL idea! (You thought I’d be horrified, didn’t you…) In my public library, we often – sadly – have to get rid of books that have been misprinted or dropped in the bath or something, and it always seems such a complete waste. And now I can tell my colleagues of a better use for them. So thanks 🙂

  49. What if you held the edges of the page over a candle flame and did a controlled scorch all around the edge of each page? That would kick it up a notch and give it some texture.

  50. Lol, for that little joke up there! I have been wanting to alter books for years and have seriously delayed it due to I could not bring myself to destroy the books. Even ones lame ones purchased at garage sales. Once I get them home, I have tell myself that I have to at least try to start reading them to see if they are any good. I think I will go for it though. Very lovely wreath!

  51. Fabulous idea – can be very symbolic too, depending on the book used. Very inspirational!

  52. This is so creative! Love it!

  53. Love this! Great idea.

  54. This is great!

  55. That’s beautiful and inventive. Great job!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Love & Peace,

  56. Great post! Congrats on FP and this great project! Have lots of old books that I can’t trade in anymore, or read, so this is a good use for it… you could also do it with old cards or wrapping papers or… but then you knew that didn’t you? 🙂 Love it.

  57. Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

  58. Interesting post, and congrats on being freshly pressed.

  59. vintageisvictoria says:

    I’ve never seen books that old! I have antique collectible books but wow! the result is great! Definitely my fav DIY so far this year!

  60. Your cat looks so much like mine! 😀 Nice post!

  61. jonny0782 says:

    Thank you! My wife is a superb crafter, and now there is something cool and simple I can make for her, that won’t look like it’s been made by a 5 year old. Did you also make the key clock face?

  62. Fabulous! I love it! If I could, I would make one. And I can see from the number of comments, book-page wreaths are going to start showing up everywhere. (So I hope you have another bombshell idea at-the-ready, when these become so prolific someone says, “What, that? Those are everywhere. I want something new.” 😉 ) I do wonder, though: is there a spray coating that can be put on the pages to keep them from collecting dust over time? I can foresee vacuuming such a thing as being very difficult, maybe even risky–sometimes glue gun glue pops off easily later on. Would using glossy pages work as well? What would a page wreath look like if you used colorful pages, such as from magazines or children’s books? A spring bloom effect, perhaps? I adore your creative mind for coming up with such a thing.

    • Thank you so much! Hmmm…I am not sure about that one. I am wondering if you could spray it with Polycrylic once finished, however I am not sure how that would work. Maybe I will experiment one day. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  63. I love the last picture, amazing composition!

  64. Reblogged this on Redick211's Blog.

  65. I love this! Will have to try it! Oh and I loved the punk – my mouth did drop a little but it was a good haha. 🙂

  66. What a fabulous idea! I work in a stationary store on the weekends, and this would make a great window display. I’ll have to try my hand at making one!

  67. love this! so creative! keep up great work 🙂

  68. Fantastic wreath. Probably something I would never get around to doing. But it gives me a little happy jolt to know that someone did. 🙂

  69. Another blogger friend of mine did a book page wreath, and it looked so pretty. I’ve been wanting to try it, and now that I’ve graduated college and have all this time ahead of me (besides work, of course), I shall try my hand at it. Thanks for the tutorial. I will be saving this post!

  70. It’s so pretty! i like your clock, too! The whole look and feel of the design. 🙂 Honestly, my eyes almost popped out when i saw the Bible. Then I was laughing out loud when I read on. LOL. Love this post! 🙂

  71. Wouldn’t this look more romantic if you did add some sort of vintage lace ribbon? And maybe burned some of the edges of the paper to make it look more gothic/vintage? Ideas are flowing now! You can make this look so incredibly cool and personalize it for friends and family, or for the space your’e putting it in! Brilliant idea!

  72. Cool idea! like someone else’s idea of using sheet music! maybe i could do this for my spare craft room. not sure but i like this!

  73. asignoflife says:

    I laughed, hard, when the picture of the Bible showed up! As a renounced baptist with a very twisted sense of humor, I found it hilarious.
    The end result looks really neat in a vintage sort of way… I might have to try this one!

  74. nicely presented..

  75. you r really creative..keep it up and get something more

  76. great creativity like it…

  77. Charlene Velas says:

    Fantastic idea!!!!

  78. I don’t say “LOL” unless I literally do. And I did at the bible bit. BOL. “Burst out laughing.” Yep, that’s accurate. And I am so going to do this!

  79. lijiujiu says:

    Amazing! I admire your skill so much…
    Thanks for sharing.

  80. Thank you for sharing this. I’d seen some of these before but yours has a softer look. I think it’s prettier!

  81. mehollinger says:

    I saw a wreath similar to yours at a Christmas show, but didn’t realize it was so easy to make — at least you’ve made it look easy! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on being Fresh Pressed!

  82. LOVE this sister. Yes, as a writer ripping up the book was a bit shocking but it has a gorgeous result so I’ll let it slide. I expect one delivered to my home promptly, as I am lazy.

  83. aliciacooksnbooks says:

    I saw this craft once before in a DIY magazine… I wanted to try it, but couldn’t part with any books. Terrifying!
    I really loved the acrylic paint idea to give it a more earthy feel – nice thinking!

  84. You got me with the bible joke, very funny! Nice wreath, but I don’t think I could ever bring myself to use pages of a book.

  85. home, garden, life says:

    You will always know where the fire starter is…;-)

  86. You made me laugh with the Bible! I did hold my breath for a few seconds as I read. I couldn’t believe it!

  87. I love the old world chic of this wreathe! If I can bring myself to tear one of my books asunder I will definitely be giving it a go…I just need a library now

  88. Very creative and beautiful- I’ll have to try this sometime! That is, provided I can find a book or two I can part with, being a writer…

  89. And if all else fails and you botch it up … it would work great as a fire starter….Just Kidding. Thanks for sharing

  90. amommys2cents says:

    Psh, wine is required! I’d love to try making this. I’d need to go buy some cheap paperbacks for it though, I can’t imagine ripping up any of the books I own!

  91. good one about the good book – bet that caused a lot of intakes of breath

  92. I’m sure yard sale books at less than a $1 each would be a great place to find some books that even have a lot of color in the illustrated pages. Or maybe dipping the wreath afterwards in a color wash?? Love the possibilities. Congrats on F/P! this week.
    You Matter! Smiles, Nancy

  93. Elizabeth says:

    I love this and will certainly try it. I tried to make one out of wine corks (drinking the wine for it was fun) it didn’t really turn out that great…but it wasn’t so bad that I wouldn’t try it again or even use the wreath. I gave it to my Mom and she loved it!! Even at 33 my mom still loves my ugly crafts projects… Ha!
    I did love the added book photo of the bible… that was good!!

  94. This looks AWESOME! You did such a great job on it. Now I can do something with books that I have because lets be honest, everyone knows I don’t read them 🙂

  95. That is adorable! And I totally cracked up at the Bible bit. That was funny!!

  96. What an awesome project! I’m currently redoing my room and trying to add some cheap design elements. I have a little reading nook- and plenty of old books and magazines- and this would make the perfect wall design. You are so creative! I look forward to trying it.

  97. This is such a cute idea! Though, I think I would start crying if I had to rip apart a book – I would have to get someone else to do that part for me 🙂

  98. Planet Nicola says:

    I didn’t get offended by the bible joke, but I should probably go and put some clean pants on, as I have just wet the others with laughing so much! (ok, just kidding too.. but I nearly did! 🙂
    Saw something similar to this idea a while back. It was rolled up (coiled) pieces of coloured magazine paper, arranged on a blank canvas to make an image. Bit time consuming but quite effective. This looks very good, almost as good as the glass of wine! (hilarious!)

  99. I laughed a little too loud when you implied you tore the pages from the bible. That cracked me up. And while I am not a fan of that book; most bibles have pretty cool pages that’d actually work pretty well with this craft.

  100. This is just lovely – every writer must be in heaven if they had this in their house. Also, I literally said “O no she didn’t!” when I saw this “And this is the book I used” photo. Too funny. =) I’m definitively going to try this out!

  101. Carlie Chew says:


  102. Hahaha! I was thinking “sacrilege” at the concept of tearing books apart — I’m a freelance writer by profession, so you’re killing my craft!

    But then, when I saw the pic of the Bible, I nearly fell out of my seat.

    You just converted me. Now that I can see the humor in it, I’m not nearly as devastated at the concept of ripping apart old books.

    Just make sure it’s a bad, bad book — and not mine. Oh wait, mine hasn’t come out yet. Never mind.


    • Thanks for the comment Mikalee! Haha…I thought I would get some replies out of the Bible joke : )
      What book are you writing; fiction? That is so exciting! Do you have a writing blog?

      • Yeah, inspired by that famous Jerry McGuire line, “You had me at The Bible.” Awesome!

        I’m actually writing a book based on my blog — it’s a non-fiction series of humor essays. Working title is “You Can’t Make This S**t Up.” Because you just can’t. My blog was inspired by my blindsiding, crazy-making divorce — I found out my marriage was over through the inscription on a brick. A literal brick. See…the truth is stranger than fiction…and now I’m finding humor in all the oddities of life!

        Congrats to you on being Freshly Pressed — and thanks for the laughs this morning!

  103. A very clever idea! I like it!

  104. orakellywilliams says:

    Love it!

  105. Oh, I love it! I laughed at the Holy Bible joke 😀

  106. Lovely Chrissy !!

  107. That is ADORABLE! I will definitely have to make one… And by the way, I gasped, loudly, when I saw the Bible photo. You totally got me.


  1. […] *DYI: Decorate your home or office with a book page wreath (Down and Dirty Design) Andre 3000 in costume as Jimi Hendricks […]

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