Spring Mantle Makeover

Good morning!

This Spring mantle makeover was submitted by my very good friend Colleen- thanks Colleen!

She lives in a beautiful, older home that is full of the charm that I love. She keeps it decorated beautifully, which always makes me drool when I visit.

Here is the before shot of her mantle:

And here is the after shot:

Just by replacing a few items on your mantle (or around your house) with some brightly colored items, it can create a whole different, Springtime feel. I love the addition of moss Colleen added too.

Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us Colleen!


  1. Thanks guys!!! I’m honored my mantle was featured on your blog, Chrissy! Yes, I think a girls’ decorating trip to AZ would be a blast. Will Work for Wine. 🙂

  2. Chrissy what a wonderful idea. Kudos to Colleen. Beautiful as always.

  3. love this Colleen! Nice work! Will you two fly down and decorate my house?

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